Jurystatement zum Nachlesen:
„Alice Rohrwacher’s HAPPY AS LAZZARO is an unconventional contemporary take on Italian Neorealism, shot on 16mm, that overcomes geographical and stylistic boundaries. The movie conveys the harshness of the exploitation of people in contemporary world and tackles topics such as class, poverty and ideology, through the eyes of the main character Lazzaro.
HAPPY AS LAZZARO excels on stylistic level and in its content. The unique vision of Alice Rohrwacher lets the audience breathe, develop closeness to the characters and get immersed into the magical realism atmosphere. With its unconventional structure and pace, the movie let us discover it piece by piece thus making it a journey for the viewers. The movie gives a human face to the marginalized and a voice to the voiceless, and at the same time escapes the danger of patronizing them. It offers us an original and new interpretation of class, where we experience the struggle of protagonists to break free from their oppressed position and the obstacles that hinder them.“
„European Universitiy Film Award“, https://www.eufa.org/en/news/2016/20181221_Recap_EUFA_2018.php, 02.01.2019.
Offenbar war es nicht einfach, die Filmerfahrung in Worte zu fassen, weswegen es zu LAZZARO FELICE leider keine Kritiken zum Nachlesen gibt.